What we do
Individualized Treatment Planning
A licensed clinician develops a treatment plan based on the child’s developmental needs. The clinician reviews records and checks in with the team to discuss recent achievements and setbacks. Procedures are altered if they are ineffective or create discomfort. All team members are made aware of current progress and are trained on new procedures
Direct Sessions
A therapist spends most of the session working one-on-one with the child. Sessions alternate between learning periods and breaks to maintain engagement. Over time, learning portions become more complex and challenging. Family members are involved to increase natural learning and ensure skills maintain long-term.
A sample of activities may include:
- Counting 1-10
- Saying the ABC’s
- Completing puzzles
- Following simple and complex directions
- Social exchanges/conversation
- Following a schedule of activities
- Attending a small group
- Playing games such as hide-and-seek
- Completing daily living tasks
Family Guidance
A clinician meets with the parents, guardians, or caregivers to share achievements and updates on progress. The family shares any observations from outside of sessions and asks any questions. The clinician provides the family with effective strategies to respond to behavioral issues and apply new skills in the natural environment.
Community Outings
Members of Avanza ABA are available to attend park visits, grocery store visits, doctor visits, haircuts, and some school related activities. Learning activities can be developed based on these environments. With permission, Avanza ABA may be able to arrange outings with other families to work on social play skills together and make new connections.
Getting Started
It can be a complex process finding the right care. Avanza ABA can answer questions and direct you to the correct individuals each step of the way. It is recommended to have close contact with your insurance throughout the process:
- Review resources page
- Take the 2 minute online screening https://www.autismspeaks.org/screen-your-child
- Share observations with pediatrician or primary care doctor
- Ask doctor for a referral to a specialist for an evaluation
- Based on the evaluation, an autism diagnosis and recommendation for ABA therapy may be provided
- If ABA therapy is recommended, contact Avanza ABA for initial assessment
- Review results of initial assessment and agree on goals
- Set date to begin therapy sessions